Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Lovely Bones?

The Lovely Bones? The verdict is still out . . .I finished last night . . . stayed up late to push through to finish and see what would happen - Would Mr. Harvey get caught? Would the body be found? Would the detectives be good for anything besides bad news and home wreck? And, would Sebold ever stop with the overt metaphors, imagery, and juxtaposition that are fun at first but in the end leave this reader feeling slightly patronized and exclaiming aloud, "C'mon!?" But perhaps I'm too harsh and perhaps the blog allows everyone to be a critic ;)

Well, ladies, I'll let you arrive at your own conclusions. I'll save my "opinionated" book review until we meet but rest assured that overall it is an engaging read reaching for if not touching just about every emotion. Yes, it even gets a little hot & steamy (Oops, looks like overtness is contagious - "steamy" pun intended - when you get there you'll know what I mean).

I hear that some of you ladies haven't "made it to the bookstore" . . . Make it come to you - Order it on Amazon and it will magically arrive at your doorstep in 1-2 days. (Plus, you might save a couple bucks and you'll probably get free shipping ;) ).

Here's the direct link to the book on Amazon,

Ok time for us all to stop reading the blog and dive into the book.

Catch you on the flip side,


PS: No update on practice or the LG meet today. What's the word, yo?


Blogger mb said...

I've only read about 50 pages of the book. Angela and I agree when does it get good?? I'll try to keep reading and keep hoping that things improve.

Ran a nice 10 miler yesterday solo and did not start until 12:15, but it was nice. No track or workout for me on saturday. Gowri went skiing so I think overall no one did the "real workout".

I'm getting pretty excited for the 3K, how about you guys?

I have a board meeting this week but will still sent an email out to you guys since I you all will be there right!


1/24/2005 10:01 AM  
Blogger g2 said...

I finished this past weekend, too. Atlanta was tiring, but nothing like a cross-country flight to get caught up on reading. Can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts at Club night. (Book Club, that is.) Skiing this weekend was a blast and we'll see how the 3k goes tomorrow since I have had virtually zero running in the past week!

1/24/2005 3:27 PM  

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