Friday, October 22, 2004

This week's report...

This week, Marisa and I drove up separately, so not much gossip. Marisa was with the main group doing the 1200's and I was with a small contingent doing the "XC" workout. News is that there is a ton of interest in going up to Portland for XC nationals...should be a fun trip! Thanks to Marisa for coordinating :-)

I'll see you ladies at Shoreline tomorrow and then again at the Nike course on Sunday. They have asked us all to wear Impala logo gear while racing...are you ladies going to? I'm not a big fan of our uniform top, but will definitely wear the dri-fit shirt.



Monday, October 11, 2004

Frappuccino and Chicago: Nike 26.2 Countdown

First can I puh-leeze comment that you ladies are all a little crazy. By "15 miles of it" I really hope you do not mean 5 dish loops. Well, ain't nothing getting in your way after that. . . Good on'ya ladies.

Have to share 2 cute moments of inspiration from the weekend (NOT that you ladies aren't enough for me). . . So as we all know the boyfriend is training for the Nike half. Well, he's a natural - he beasted out this Saturday with a 10 miler most of it under 8 minute pace! That was the furthest he'd run EVER! So, maybe he's a natural, but he's still VERY much a newbie. Check out this exchange on his analysis of the Nike map right before we went running last week:

boyfriend: hi
me: hi
boyfriend: i have thoroughly studied the course now
boyfriend: the hills look crazy
boyfriend: but i am happy with the map
boyfriend: i am PUMPED
boyfriend: just had a frappuccino

Had to share that with y'all.

So my second moment of inspiration was my mother kicking some rear in her second marathon in Chicago on Sunday - 3:50 and she qualified for Boston. Rock on! She and the boyfriends (mine and hers) will be representin' in SF on 10/24 and they'll be at Shoreline to cheer us on for the XC race the day before.

Alrighty ladies I'm out. No Kezar for me tomorrow, but enjoy the festival of 400s. I'll be gettin' them in early doors so I can enjoy the festival of Oktoberfest in the afternoon - Cheers!


Friday, October 08, 2004

the dish and other such things

Happy Friday,

First of Shal, this is very cool and I hope my posting works as I have never "blogged".

Second, yesterday I ran (or better yet Angela ran and I followed) with Angela as we did a dish workout "Angela style" (aka. go hard even if you can't feel your legs). It was good but kind of crazy! She really pushed me and we agreed we'll have to do it again next week. We'll keep you guys posted but it will probably occur on thursday afternoon.

Alright, everyone have a great weekend and I'll look forward to our party next tuesday night!


First Post and Discussion Topic

Welcome Ladies!

Now you never have to fear missing any of our wild rides to the Kezar because you can catch up on all our "intellectual" discussions right here on our very own blog. (Now that everyone knows what that term means I think we can use it liberally and I would encourage you to do so too - this always ups your "cool" factor at work, the ER, OR, PTA or parent-teacher conferences).

Of course, the blog is no reason (excuse) to miss practice of course because the "more the merrier" is the rule of thumb for any bona fide goss session.

To kick off this blog, In my next post I will share a little email entitled "You know you grew up in the '80s or late 90's if . . . "

And, yes, I did grow up in the 80's and yes, I did where slouch socks (some times 2 pairs at once with multiple colors reversed on each foot), over tight rolled jeans (jordache or Guess), with high-top Reeboks with velcro straps at the top. Big hair with bangs occasionally pulled into a side ponytail was hot especially when combined with bike shorts under skirts (especially if they were sold together as one piece) - and I did that too. Don't deny it ladies - you know you did too (well, at least I know Marisa did because she was an '80's girl' last year for Halloween).

Anyway, hope this will drive some interesting confessions for next Tuesday before our festival of 400's.

Peace out.
