Friday, February 17, 2006

Cross training

Thought I'd update everyone on my latest cross training experience. Yesterday I was part of a faculty relay involving crossing the pool with an air matress. I was the lead off leg and finished in true impala style beating all of the student groups! Here's a pic (I'm on the yellow air matress), enjoy.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Good morning!! The 5am sprint club is back in action...

Hey ladies. After a year-long absence from the SBV, I finally worked out with an Impala today, so I thought it was a blog-worthy event. 'deezy met me at an ungodly hour (5:30 am, sharp!) for a spinning class in Palo Alto. It was fun, and we even got to sprint all-out at the end! If any of you want to join us next time, just give us a shout!