Sunday, March 15, 2009

A great SBV weekend...

This weekend the SBV pulled a double, with a fun book club outing on Friday and the Across the Bay race on Sunday. Friday, Marisa pulled together a fun outing to Calafia Cafe, a new "organic" restaurant started by Google Chef Charlie Ayers. In attendance were GG, Coach Beck, Flashley, Waz, Erica, Dr. Daly and a drive-by appearance by the artist formerly known as 'deezy.

Excellent food and some great stories...from the now infamous Microsoft interview to "Hard Questions," we had a great time and topped off the night with dessert at Peet's.

On Sunday morning, the crew was out bright and early to take on the PA circuit at Across the Bay. Coach Beck, Flashley, GG, Waz and Mary were all spotted on the course. Results coming soon...