Wednesday, August 23, 2006

SBV gets new members

Thought I'd submit an entry as last night was my last tuesday night carpool for awhile. I unfortunatley have to take a tuesday night class as part of my grad program but don't worry I will still be ready to carpool to races and meet up for weekend runs! Luckily for the SBV we are gaining at least one new member and hopefully two.
Last night Ashley got a taste of what carpooling with the SBV (actually it was the SBVW last night) can be like when she joined us for the ride home. Hopefully she will soon be employed in the SB and be a permant member. Conversation was wonderful as always covering topics such as puppies, men, school, super feet (you have to get yourself a pair just ask Janet) and marathon training.
Happy Wednesday to all!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Angela's Birthday Gift

The SBV presented Angela with a signed copy of her Runner's World cover. You'll have to ask Angela to see the cover - there was only one copy.

Play the video to see her reaction.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Hi gals,
Check this out, a blog for Silicon Valley Moms (aka South Bay Mom's?):

I think that Angela, Michelle and I need to start contributing...they don't seem to have any fast runners on there...yet!


lunch at google

I thought I should submit a quick blog entry regarding my lunch date today. What a treat, lunch at google and I was able to bring Bentley (my puppy) with me. We had a great time and it was so fun to see many SBVers (Katie, Shal, Megan d and Gowri) in a different location/environment. Wish I had a picture to capture the event but we didn't think about that. Thanks again!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Friend Dan

Turn your sound on.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Barn Dancin'

Went to my very first Barn Dance at Oakmead Farm in Wilsonville, Oregon in honor of Christy and EK (dancers above). They were married 2 days later on August 5, 2006 in Portland, Oregon. See more barn dance, rehearsal , and wedding picts.

Congratulations Christy and EK!

Let'er buck!

P.S. Isn't Google Video cool?!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fresh powder...

Cerro Bayo, Villa l'Angostura, Argentina

(that's me!)

Click here for more pics (you'll have to log in...)