Sunday, October 19, 2008

MB has a great race at Nike half today!

Today, Coach Beck stepped out of her teacher/coach persona and brought her inner racer to the starting line of the Nike Half in San Francisco. After months of faithful training, including double-days training on her own and with SHP, she finished in an amazing 1:33:39.

Coach, teacher, business owner, dog-lover, SBV ringleader and tough competitor...Congratulations, Coach!!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

What a day in the south bay!!

Today I cheered on many south bayers (and some of our SF teammates too) in the SJ rock and roll half marathon. Megan had a stellar performance - finishing in the top 10 females with yet another amazing PR. Other south bayers following not to far behind included Erica, both Ashley's and Gowri (with a blazing PR). Congrats to the SBers as well as the rest of the Impalas out there today!