Thursday, July 21, 2005

A Demain . . .

Well Ladies, tomorrow is game day - show time - the big dance. I'm "on" at 10 -- of course "on" in this case means "lights out" since my only responsibility tomorrow is to show up on time (8:00) and sleep soundly, which they so kindly help we with (ah, anesthesia -- although I hear that it might really be more like "yack! anesthesia" once I finally come 'round again.)

So many of you may be wondering what does one wear to such a "gig". The instructions say "something comfortable," which is of course all relative -- especially since the instructions also said, "Clear fluids ONLY after midnight" and then proceeded to list "black coffee" as an example.

So, how *does* one do "hospital-fabulous"? My answer: chocolate brown with pink polka-dot PJ's by Bed Head. (And, for the record, I chose these *before* I knew that these are what Rachel wore to the hospital in Friends!) Your velour Juicy suit I would also say is also a "must pack" for such an adventure. And since I'm approaching this whole thing head on, I figure I better arrive wearing something that clearly states I'm in control of the situation - the specifics are TBD. Is it a faux pas to wear your CFM's (strictly for posture, of course) before noon? Well, then, faux pas it is.

A demain (Until tomorrow. . .)


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

This tool ROCKS... (gmaps pedometer)

Greetings from the land of high-tech wizardry. I just had to share this latest-and-greatest invention with the sisterhood. I hope you're as psyched as I am.

Although this uses Google Maps (tm) technology (our fave!), it is not an officially supported Google site. Some awesome users in New Jersey cooked this one up at home and made it available to the masses.

It allows you to click your running route on a map and get the exact mileage. This is especially great for those runs that go "off-road" and the regular online maps can't give you mileage.

Check it out and let me know your thoughts!

(still not running...but hopefully buying a bike soon!)