Saturday, November 12, 2005

Something to celebrate

Today my boys team defeated the odds (being a 5 member team with half the team being new to the sport) and qualified for the state XC meet. Pretty exciting and a nice reward to this first time XC coach.
Days like today remind me why we do the things we do. Yes that is a pretty vague sentence but really sums up the situation. There were definetly days (like yesterday) during the season when I questioned why am I doing this? And do I know what I am doing? You know typical questions when we a person is trying out something new. Well today made me realize I did something right as no one can remember the last time SHP sent a full team to state. So send us good vibes and wish us luck, we're headed to state!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is a special time for the ladies of the SBV. This year marked the 3rd year since that fateful day when Ramsey and I met. This year it showcased Katie as a Noogler and yours truly dawned the 4th grade uniform for Canterbury Christian School.
(Pictured here with my friend "Carne Asada" and "Bird Flu")

And let's not leave out Marisa (e.g. Coach Beck) who along with her fellow teacher friends dressed as a member of the Life Aquatic squad.