Two is a lonely number, never!
Last night it was an SB Jetta night with two passengers meeting at the park and ride. With other impalas on vacation, working or driving themselves it was just angela and marisa this week. Now normally two might be a lonely number but never with the SBV group. It started out with PDA action at the park and ride. Luckily angela arrived shortly after I did and we could leave but have you ever heard the term, "get a room?" That is what this couple should have done instead of frightening poor runners just trying to get to their workout. Moving on... lively discussions in the car of our lives and well just how exciting they are! Arrived in a timely manner to the track and luckily it did not rain on us, yeah! Managed to bust out some decent workouts and then settled in for a nice ride home. Amoung our topics of discussions we chatted about our next bookclub meeting and what we should do (we are thinking bowling!). It was good to catch up with Angela and it was a treat for me to drive our faithful SBV driver for a change.