Sunday, April 20, 2008

Boston 2008 Olympic Trials!

(does anyone have a good pic -and race commentary- to insert here?)

Today was perhaps the most significant day in Impala Racing Team history as we had 6 amazing Impalas toeing the line at the 2008 Olympic Marathon Trials in Boston. As much as I wanted to be there in person to cheer them on and hang in my old 'hood (race course went by my old residence 10 times!), I found myself at home in PA with my kids that morning. Ever the vigilant fans, I was up at 5am to log in and watch the race live over the internet...Calvin joined me at 5:20 and Sarina a few minutes later. It was SO exciting to watch and track splits over the internet, I can not imagine what it must have felt like as a spectator in person.

Our ladies did not disappoint with each one delivering an inspirational race!
54) Megan Daly 2:44:51 PR*
66) Caroline Annis 2:45:41
78) Lisbet Sunshine 2:47:57
84) Betsy Keever 2:48:41
88) Shaluinn Fullove 2:49:00*

* SBV founding member